Scholastic Professional Book Releases (2022-2023)

Unearthing Joy by Gholdy Muhammad

“Dr. Muhammad shows how joy, which is rooted in the cultural and historical realities of Black students, can enhance our efforts to cultivate identity, skills, intellect, and criticality for ALL students, giving them a powerful purpose to learn and contribute to the world. Dr. Muhammad’s wise implementation advice is paired with model lessons that span subjects and grade levels.”

7 Mighty Moves by Lindsay Kemeny

“Lindsay Kemeny shares seven ways K-3 teachers can modify what they are currently doing to transform their reading instruction. Each chapter focuses on a critical area of foundational reading-from the most efficient ways to teach phonemic awareness and phonics to the most effective ways to boost comprehension.”

Reading Above The Fray by Julia B. Lindsey

“Dr. Julia B. Lindsey’s evidence-based routines help young readers decode words efficiently so they can spend more energy on comprehending—and enjoying—what they read! You’ll find:

1) Need-to-know essentials of how kids learn to read.
2) Principles of high-quality foundational skills instruction.
3) Teacher-approved instructional “swaps” to improve early reading instruction.”

Micro Mentor Texts by Penny Kittle

“Writing expert Penny Kittle shows us the power of helping them to focus and communicate clearly. She does that through the study of “micro mentor texts”— excerpts from acclaimed books—and the decisions that authors make to craft those texts so they deeply engage readers.”

The Commonsense Guide To Your Classroom Library by Donalyn Miller & Colby Sharp

“Literacy champions Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp provide teachers with the advice they need to transform the classroom library into a true instructional partner. They show how to procure and weed books based on quantity, diversity, currency and relevance, and organization and use.”

Everyone Wins!: The Evidence for Family-School Partnerships & Implications for Practice

“Engaging families in education benefits everyone. Student achievement goes up, families get stronger, and teachers and administrators can do their job more effectively. Everyone wins!”

The Educator’s Guide to Building Child & Family Resilience by Michele Myers & Linda C. Mayes

“A teacher-educator and pediatrician team up to offer practical techniques that help students deal with the many life challenges they face. The authors show how to build resilience-promoting skills through quality children’s literature, routines, and activities to create a classroom where all children thrive.”

Revolutionary Love for Early Childhood Classrooms by Gloria Swindler Boutte, Kamania Wynter-Hoyte, & Nathaniel Bryan

“This companion to Revolutionary Love presents do-tomorrow, asset-based strategies for preK-grade 2—all grounded in a culturally-responsive framework.”


Text borrowed from Scholastic Professional News Room

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