Read These Banned Books

Are you looking to enhance your knowledge of banned books? The American Library Association (@ALALibrary) has created two guides to assist you and your students with reading banned books.

“The American Library Association presents a must-read banned book for every week of the year in this beautiful book lover’s reading log.

Expand your reading list and stand against literary censorship with this one-year reading challenge and book journal! Featuring 52 modern and classic books that have been challenged or banned, from The Hunger Games to Maus, this book log includes ALA’s insights into each title as well as writing prompts for further reflection.

A perfect holiday stocking stuffer, birthday present, or gift for bibliophiles, librarians, teachers and educators, activists, and rebel readers of all genres!


  • 52 banned, censored, or challenged book recommendations and the reasons they were banned
  • Room to reflect on each book and how you can relate to it as you complete the challenge
  • Pages for your personal reading log, perfect for sharing on social media or with friends
  • An appendix highlighting the 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books from 2010-2019 and information about how YOU can help fight book banning.”

Read These Banned Books: A Journal and 52-Week Reading Challenge from the American Library Association. American Library Association (2022). $12.

The American Library Association offers an expansive guide to teaching banned books to children at home or in the classroom, with a foreword by children’s author Judy Blume.

“In our polarized environment, the censorship and outright banning of children’s books remains a major concern for libraries. The American Library Association, an intellectual freedom champion, has created this illuminating and expansive guide for book lovers who hope to teach children the importance of banned literature.

With a focus on modern books that have been banned, along with classic literature that continues to be under attack for political or religious reasons, Teaching Banned Books to Kids will educate adults and children about the importance of books. With useful tools and techniques, caregivers and educators will find the best ways to talk about banned books to children.”

Banned Books for Kids: Reading Lists and Activities for Teaching Kids to Read Censored Literature. American Library Association (2021). $16.


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