“Budget-Friendly Programming for High School Librarians”

Over on AASL’s Knowledgequest website, Jessica Fitzpatrick has come up with a variety of ways to provide library programming that won’t break the bank.

High school librarians have their work cut out for them when it comes to programming; they need to come up with creative and engaging ideas that will keep students interested and coming back for more, and when dealing with teenagers, they often have many other things to do on campus, such as sports, clubs, and so on. One of the biggest challenges that not only high school librarians, but all librarians face is budget constraints. However, there are many budget-friendly library ideas for creating fun and engaging programming for students.

Fitzpatrick then describes several ways to be more frugal in programming. If you are interested to see what else she has to offer, you can follow her on Instagram at @librarian_fitz and on Twitter at @librarianfitz.


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