Book Review Requests

Golden Libraries accepts books for review purposes. While print books are more likely to get our attention, we do accept digital copies. Providing us with a summary and information about other reviews and about awards can be helpful.

On the website, four things can happen when we receive a book:

  1. The book gets a full review including author and publishing information
  2. The book is profiled with author and publishing information only
  3. The book becomes part of a list of similar books
  4. Nothing happens

While that last one may seem harsh, space and content are realities. We have a strong focus toward books for the K-12 crowd (fiction) and the professional librarian and reading teacher (non-fiction). Sending us an historical romance book meant for adults is unlikely to be successful (or even opened). Similarly, electing not to review the book on the website may very well have little to do with the quality of the writing. Book reviews are a small part of what we do.

All reviewed books will have outbound links to Amazon, BookShop, author website, TeachingBooks, and so on. Print books will not be returned to the publisher or author.

About Golden Libraries 280 Articles
Book Flood Media LLC provides consulting and resources for School Librarians, Public Librarians, and Reading Teachers in California.