Nick Glass is a nationally known educational partner focused on improving literacy opportunities for all students. Equity work is how he defines his professional charge. He has a Master’s in educational policy and the history of multicultural education from the University of Wisconsin Madison, and runs TeachingBooks.net — a literacy service he created to empower every reader with meaningful connections to whatever books they are reading.
As a long-time student of multicultural education, he strives to give all readers culturally relevant, primary source insights into the literary journeys they are experiencing. Nick has published in many educational journals, spoken at dozens of conferences, and has served on many children’s book award committees, including the Newbery, Legacy, Sibert, and Green Earth Book Award juries. And one other curious note about Nick — he is one of the few children’s book experts who has worked in Major League Baseball. He was the statistician for the San Francisco Giants in the late 1980s to early 1990s.